High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT), and Armor Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot(APFSDS), but also the Shillelagh Missile. This can fire conventional rounds like High Explovise(HE), Anti-personnel. This longer barreled and improved varient of the XM-81 gun/launcher used in the M551 Sheridan and the M60A2 Starship. The armament for this vehicle was a stabilized XM150 152mm gun/launcher as discussed earlier. The Germans had used Daimler-Benz model but later moved to a MTU design of 1,500 horsepower. Both the American and German version had newly developed engines, the Americans had the Continental AVCR air-cooled V-12 diesel of 1,470 horsepower ( 1,100 kW). The MBT-70 was designed with a low silhouette, unlike the M60, but because of this the driver had to be moved to the turret. The design for this MBT was ahead of their time, with hydropneumatic suspension which allowed it for fast cross-country speeds. Also the housing the entire crew in a large turret and was armed with a 152mm XM150 gun/launcher which could use conventional ammunition and the Shillelagh Missile for long range combat. This tank was equipped with a number of advanced feature such as newly developed “kneeling” hydropneumatic suspension.

This tank was built to in counter the new generation of the Warsaw Pact tanks by the Soviet Union. The other changes are not significant to gameplay.The MBT-70 is a experimental tank was an American-West German joint project to develop a new main battle tank during the 1960s. This makes it easier for newer players as there is less smoke when firing, so aim can be readjusted quicker to be more precise. Smoke density in 12.7-14.5mm tracer rounds has been reduced. The 3 Inch Gun Carrier (introduced in update 1.55) had a bug where AP (armor piercing) rounds were not equippable. The bug was found by Russian players, and Gaijin patched the bug within a month. The bug consisted of there being holes in the armor of both the KPz-70 and the MBT-70. The tanks were recently introduced in update 1.7, which was released on August 24th, 2017. The air scene is already stable, so Gaijin entertainment is focusing on the ground aspect of the game.Īn armor bug from the two recently introduced KPz-70 and MBT-70 tanks have been fixed. No major air changes were introduced in this patch. The patch does not feature many gameplay changes, but a few bugs have been fixed. The latest War Thunder patch was released on September 20th, 2017.